Registered host families and aupairs are committed to respecting the philosophy of aupair stay. This is part of the general conditions of use.
Au pair means “on an equal footing”
The au pair stay offers young people of any nationality the opportunity to live for a time abroad. The purpose of the au pair stay is cultural exchange, which takes place in both directions: the aupair brings a new culture, a foreign language and thus an opening to the rest of the world. In addition, the aupair learns the national language with their host family and by participating in a language course and enjoys an experience abroad. That’s why being an aupair in one’s own country is not considered an aupair stay according to our aupair philosophy.
Considered a full-fledged family member, the aupair is housed in his host family and provides support on a daily basis. The foster family, for its part, has a big daughter or grandson at home and will appreciate her help in babysitting and in daily household chores. In return, the aupair receives pocket money and is fed and lodged by the host family. Exchange is at the very heart of the relationship between the aupair and the host family. In order for the aupair to be truly successful, it is important that both the aupair and the host family are aware of the arrangements for aupair stay and the conditions that must be met by both parties. If the host family and the aupair inform themselves in advance of the reception conditions and communicate their expectations and wishes in all sincerity, the aupair stay can only become an enriching experience for all.
What is an aupair?
Aupairs are young people aged between 18 and 30, single and without children, who go to live for a limited time with a host family abroad to deepen their linguistic and cultural knowledge. The au pair can improve their language skills in the host family, discover another culture and gain experience abroad. In exchange, the aupair helps her host family by keeping the children and provides support in light housework.
* The age limit may vary depending on the host country. Please take a look in our Host Country Info section for more informat
What is a host family?
A foster family is a family (including a lone parent) with at least one child under the age of 17 living permanently under the same roof. The host family welcomes the au pair for a time and regards him as his eldest daughter or his eldest son.
Tasks of the young aupair
An aupair supports the foster family in child care. He also provides support in light domestic tasks. Au pairs are neither domestic workers, nor language teachers, nor carers for the elderly. They are also not animal guards, gardeners or seasonal workers. Host families can not expect the au pair to have pedagogical training and thus to offer professional childcare.
Working time of aupair
In many host countries, the maximum working time of aupairs is set by the legislation in force. As a general rule, we recommend that the aupair does not work more than 30 hours a week (babysitting included); with the exception of the United States, where aupairs work up to 45 hours a week. As regards working time, some flexibility is required from both parties. It may happen that the aupair has to keep the children a little longer than expected; he will receive in exchange an entire weekend of free.
The lodging and the cover
As a full family member, the aupair has his own room at his host family’s home. The room must have an area of at least 9 m², have a window and must be locked. Of course, it must also be furnished and heated. The au pair shares meals with his host family. Bed and board are also guaranteed if he gets sick.
Pocket money
In addition to being housed and fed, the aupair receives pocket money. The amount of pocket money varies according to the host country. If there is no minimum amount required by the legislation of a given host country, the host family and the aupair can find out about the amounts recommended in other countries on our pages. agree on an amount. Pocket money is important for aupairs because it allows many of them to finance their language course, or simply their leisure activities (a cinema trip, a coffee, a visit to the country, etc.). ). Even if the aupair gets sick, he is entitled to all his pocket money.
Travel cost
In most cases, the aupair pays his own trip. You will find more information on this in our section Host Country Info. Most registered foster families usually pay for either part of the travel costs or the return of the aupair as a thank you.
Language course
The aupair must have the opportunity to participate in language courses in the host country. In general, it is the aupair who bears these costs. If the family wishes, she can naturally help financially his young by participating in the costs. In some countries, it is up to the host family to pay for the aupair’s language course. Further information is available in our Host Country Info section.
If there are no regulations in this regard in the host country in question, the aupair is entitled to four weeks of leave for a 12-month aupair stay with the family. Go to this value to calculate leave for a shorter stay. If the host family is going on holiday, it is imperative to clarify beforehand whether the aupair wants to / should come with them or if they are going elsewhere. In any case, the aupair gets his pocket money also during the family’s holiday. If he stays in his host family’s home while on vacation, he receives an additional amount to cover his daily expenses.
Free time
Seeing friends, discovering another region: the aupair also needs time for that. He must therefore have one free day per week, including at least one Sunday per month. Holidays in the host country are also public holidays for the aupair. Subscription for public transportation We recommend that host families pay the cost of the aupair’s public transport subscription. If the aupair has to use the bus or subway to get the children to school, it is natural for the family to pay for the ticket. If there is no access to the public transport network, the aupair must be able to use a car / car from the host family so that they can go to their language course for example.
Contract and notice
Au pairs and host families are advised to set all important points in a contract such as chores, work time, pocket money and free time. Both parties contribute to their safety and misunderstandings can be avoided. In some countries, there are standard contracts, also available on Aupair-suchen. Host families registered on Aupair-suchen and residing in a country for which there is no contract generally use the English version of the standard European contract. Au pairs and host families can terminate the contract within 2 weeks. The family thus has the time to find a new au pair while the young person is organizing his return trip or looking for a new family. It is also possible to terminate the contract without notice in the event of serious circumstances.
Duration of an aupair stay
An aupair stay is always limited in time. Most aupairs stay at most one year in a single family. If there is no regulation on this subject in a given host country, the length of stay is to be agreed upon together. For example, there are au pairs looking for a host family during their summer holidays.
Our Prep Cultural Stay program offers you the opportunity to learn German basics, to learn the basics of German culture, to have assistance in finding a host family, to prepare your visa application and also to be followed not and after your cultural stay in Germany.
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